Academic Planning Guide
This Planning Guide is designed to aid students in making a wise selection of courses from the offerings at Canby High School. Study this guide carefully. In making course selections, students and parents should keep in mind the following:
- Each course being offered are dependent on enrollment and budget. If an insufficient number of students request a course or funding for staffing is not sufficient, it will not be available.
- Courses are divided into two types: required and elective. Required courses are those that a student must pass to satisfy State of Oregon and Canby School District requirements. Elective courses are designed to build skills in areas of study that meet the student's needs for career and college readiness, as well as the pursuit of individual interests.
- English and math placement is based on teacher recommendation, present classroom work, past performance, test scores, and other criteria related to the student's ability, potential, and post-secondary goals.
- Courses offered in this guide are subject to change.
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Look for one of the logos above within a course description. The logo means students can earn dual credit (both high school and college credit).
For more information, visit the College in Canby web page, and for further help, see a teacher or counselor.

Vean uno de los logos de arriba dentro de la descripción del curso. El logo quiere decir que los estudiantes pueden obtener crédito doble (tanto crédito para la preparatoria como para la universidad).
¡Vea esta página web, o hable con un profesor o consejero para obtener más información.!
Equal educational opportunities
Canby School District Board Policy JB: Equal Education Opportunities Equal educational opportunity and treatment shall be proved to all persons. No student enrolled in the District shall, on the basis of age, disability, national origin, race, color, religion, marital status, gender or sexual orientation, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity administered or authorized by the District.
The superintendent will designate at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX. The Title IX coordinator will investigate complaints communicated to the District alleging noncompliance with Title IX. The name, address and telephone number will be provided to all students and employees.
The board will adopt and the District will publish grievance procedures providing for prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints under Title IX.
Igualdad de Oportunidades para todos en la Educación
Reglamento JB de la Mesa Directiva del Distrito Escolar de Canby: Igualdad de Oportunidades para Todos en la Educación
Se proveerá un trato y la oportunidad a la educación pública a todas las personas de igual manera. Ningún estudiante inscrito en el Distrito debe ser excluido de la participación, negarle los beneficios o ser sujeto a la discriminación bajo cualquier programa o actividad administrada o autorizada por el Distrito basado en su edad, discapacidad, nacionalidad, raza, color, religión, estado civil, sexo u orientación sexual.
El superintendente designará a por los menos un empleado para coordinar sus esfuerzos de cumplir y llevar a cabo sus responsabilidades bajo el Título IX. El coordinador del Título IX investigará las quejas presentadas al distrito alegando la falta de cumplimiento del Título IX. Será proveído a todos los estudiantes y empleados el nombre, dirección y número de teléfono.
La Mesa Directiva adoptará el procedimiento de quejas y el Distrito lo publicará proporcionando una resolución pronta y equitativa de las quejas del estudiante y el empleado bajo el Título IX.