Incoming Freshmen
Welcome to Canby High, Class of 2027
Summer Jump is a FREE two-week long course offered to ease students into their transition to high school. Students will spend time working on developing academic skills, socializing with their peers, touring the high school, playing games, spending time outside, and going on a field trip. This is a great way to connect with Canby High School teachers and get a head start on freshman year!
**Date and Time:**August 7th-18th, 8:30am-12:30pm
Daily attendance is required to earn a .5 elective credit.
Summer Jump es un curso GRATUITO de dos semanas que se ofrece para ayudar a los estudiantes con el cambio de la escuela secundaria a la preparatoria. Los estudiantes trabajan en el desarrollo de habilidades académicas, socializan con sus compañeros, recorren la preparatoria, juegan juegos, se divierten al aire libre y van a excursiones. ¡Está es una excelente manera de conocer a los maestros de la preparatoria de Canby y aventajar en su primer año de preparatoria.
**Fecha y Hora:** 7 de agosto al 18 de agosto de 8:30 am a 12:30 pm.
Se requiere de asistencia diariamente porque los estudiantes obtendrán un crédito para talleres de .5.
Link to Sign Up! in English and Español
Incoming Freshmen - Updated 06.05.23
There is still space in our 8th - 9th Summer Jump Program.
Need more information?
To register for the 8th - 9th Summer Jump Program for incoming 9th graders, please fill out this form:
The program starts on August 7th.
Thank you,
Megan Jackson, Associate Principal