Earning grades also has a point system associated with it, like a game. Every A earns 4 points, a B is 3, a C is 2, and a D is 1 point. Those points are used to calculate a student’s GPA, by adding them all up and dividing by the number of classes taken. So, if a person gets all As, they earn a 4.0 GPA. As a student completes each trimester, it just keeps adding onto a student’s points and dividing by all the classes they have ever taken. Technically speaking, GPA stands for Grade Point Average.

Why is GPA important?

  • It helps students get into college
  • It helps students earn scholarships
  • It could help a student get a job
  • Many car insurance companies offer good student discounts!

The tech department offers support to staff and student with needs regarding computers, networking issues, iPads, and other resources for troubleshooting.

Technology at the high school has grown into a 1:1 iPad initiative which offers every student the opportunity to use an iPad for schoolwork. The tech staff is located in the library.

Tech staff:

Josh Rapley

Kelly Welker


The library offers students a wide selection of information resources, both online and in print. In addition to magazines, fiction and non-fiction titles, e-books, graphic novels and reference materials, the library houses a class-sized computer lab, printer, and an array of online databases to support students through all steps of the research process.

Library staff help students find titles for recreational reading, in both English and Spanish, and provide various levels of information literacy instruction across all subjects. Additionally, the library manages the library and textbook collections for the school and assists the Tech. Dept. with tracking one-to-one student iPads.

Library Staff:

Cortney Tamimi

Mariana Lemus

Tutor Rooms – Open 8:00 – 4:30 Daily

We have three tutor rooms open all day for students: the Math Center, Language Arts Lab and Science Lab. All tutor rooms are staffed by full-time tutors during school, at lunch and after school. Students who are struggling in class can get help with concepts and homework. The tutors are great resources for students with test taking, test make-up, labs, essay help, research, projects, etc. If a student is absent, he/she can go to the tutor rooms to get caught up. Tutors and Rooms:

  • Math Center, Erika Evans – Room B-108
  • Science Lab, Lincoln Bangs – Room E-217
  • Language Arts Lab, Tiffany Jordan and JD Bellum – Room D-204

At Canby High School, students need 26 credits to graduate.

Students earn a credit by passing (D or higher, 60%+) a class. Many of the credits are required, like math and science and English, and others are electives, which allow students to learn about stuff they are interested in, like art and music.

Many classes have multiple sections. Students might take Algebra 1, for example, which would mean they would take Algebra 1A one trimester, and Algebra 1B in one of the other trimesters of that same year. Each class that students pass earns them .5 credit as long as they get a D or higher. Each trimester they can earn 2.5 credits, and each year students can earn 7.5 credits. In total, students can earn 30 credits in 4 years.

What do students do with the 4 extra credits? They can take other interesting classes or save their parents money by taking dual credit classes. HUH? In dual credit classes, students can earn both high school and college credit! Some students can be assistants for their favorite teachers, some might do an internship and others could sleep in and have late arrival or early release. Basically, if students can earn all their credits the first 3 years of high school, they are rewarded with a pretty flexible senior year.

NOTE: Athletes should reference the Athletic Handbook for specific OSAA requirements.

Uh oh… If students fail classes early on, they have to retake those classes. NO credit is earned for a “F.” That means instead of fun classes, students have to retake classes failed in order to graduate.